About Clinical Trials

Clinical trials give people living with medical conditions today the opportunity to make an enduring contribution to medical research and a chance to help future generations who are affected by these disorders.

These essential studies are designed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of possible new drugs, medical devices, and medical procedures. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other regulatory agencies set strict rules for all clinical studies to protect the safety of people who choose to participate.

The BioMendics’ TAMES trial is studying the safety and exploring the potential efficacy of a new drug to treat epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS). The drug being evaluated is formulated as a gel that is applied directly to the skin. In an upcoming Phase II trial, patients with EBS will daily treat a designated flaring area for up to 4-months. Patient participation requires 3 on-site visits to either Stanford (Stanford, CA) or Northwestern (Chicago, IL) dermatology clinics, with virtual-only visits every other week with the doctor and research study team. Reasonable costs for travel and accommodations will be covered and participants will be compensated for their time at the dermatology clinic on-site visit.

Throughout the study, the doctor will monitor each participant through physical exams, measuring vital signs like temperature and pulse, and collecting blood and urine samples. These procedures are important for participant safety. Additionally, patients will image their treated area throughout the study and provide answers to pain, itch, and quality of life questionnaires. 

Reasons to Participate in a clinical trial: When you participate in a clinical trial, you play a vital role in medical research and help to advance treatment for yourself or your child and others with EBS. You also receive expert medical care and may be monitored more closely than if you were not in the trial. Many patients have reported that being in a trial made them feel like they were playing a more active role in their own care. Your participation may benefit other patients with EBS or similar conditions in the future.

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Learn more at clinicaltrials.gov and contact the Stanford or Northwestern study site directly for information about the trial.